منتديات وادي العرب التربوية

هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

2 مشترك

    The Correction of BEM June 2009

    ::عضو فعال::
    ::عضو فعال::

    المشاركات : 157
    التسجيل : 16/11/2008
    نقاط : 490
    السٌّمعَة : 36

    The Correction of BEM June 2009 Empty The Correction of BEM June 2009

    مُساهمة من طرف Eneguma الأربعاء يونيو 03, 2009 10:44 pm

    One : (14points)

    ) Reading Comprehension (7points)

    Read the text carefully and do the
    following activities :

    One (3poinst)

    Read the following statements and write
    "true" , "false" or "not mentioned

    1)All the children
    had to go to school a century ago .
    à False (1pt)

    It was hard for some parents to look after their children.
    à True (1pt)

    3) Parents who sent their children to work had
    problems .
    à Not mentioned (1pt)

    Two (2points)

    Answer the following questions :

    1) Did people feel
    concerned about children's work ?
    à Yes, they did . (1pt)

    2) Were their actions against children's work
    unsuccessful ?
    à No ,they were not

    three ( 2points)

    Find in the text words or phrases that
    are closest in meaning to the following

    a) were obliged = had to
    (0.5pt) b)
    the majority = most

    not permitted = not allowed
    (0.5pt) d) relax = rest (0.5pt)

    / Mastery of Language (7points)

    One (2points) :

    Supply the punctuation and the capital
    letters where necessary

    ll children should have
    the right to education
    . They should also have the
    right to free medical




    Activity Two (3points) :

    Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets .

    Years ago ,children (to not have to ) did not have to ( 1pt) go to school
    .Now ,there's a law .Children must ( to stay) stay
    (1pt )at
    school till the age of sixteen . So, if some parents ( to not respect) do not respect
    (1pt) the law ,they
    will be in trouble .

    Activity Three ( 2points)

    Find in the text four words that have the following sounds :

    / ei / (say)

    /ai /

    1- today (0.5pt)

    2- they (0.5pt)

    1- time / mind (0.5pt)

    2- kind (0.5pt)

    Grid for Evaluating
    The situation of Integration



    1. Relevance

    ' the criterion is
    reached when the student produces the piece of writing in accordance with the
    situation of communication

    student writes the piece of writing according to the theme

    - He uses the
    appropriate tense or structure

    - He uses the
    vocabulary related to the topic

    2. Syntactic coherence and
    correct use of linguistic elements


    - Correct use of
    tenses related to the situation of communication

    3.Semantic coherence

    - The
    sentences produced have a meaning. / A logical link between the sentences.


    presentation of the paper

    :: مؤسس المنتدى ::

    المشاركات : 2395
    البلد : الجزائر
    المزاج : زوالي وفحل
    التسجيل : 23/10/2008
    نقاط : 2987
    السٌّمعَة : 940

    The Correction of BEM June 2009 Empty رد: The Correction of BEM June 2009

    مُساهمة من طرف bra-13 الخميس يونيو 04, 2009 12:40 am

    The Correction of BEM June 2009 339-thanks

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